Saturday, September 23, 2006


scars are permanent: beautiful marks of glory or pain, suffering or determination; each with its own story. whether they are worn on the heart, body, mind, or soul, these marks trace the history of their bearers' lives. a map of tragedy and triumph, scars cannot be ignored or hidden. i sit alone this evening nursing my knee with ice and the rest of my being with a nicely rolled spliff wondering if my fresh wounds will leave scars that i'll remember years from now. i crashed and burned today while free climbing wet rocks in the mountains. promised photography found me, at the time of the spill, with camera in hand leaving my body as the safety between the hard rock and my promise. those closest to me know that promises are not something taken lightly so with my body as the barrier, i took the brunt of a few rocks. my head now a little filled with smoke, i ponder over the newly developed scars; some visible, some not - all scratching at the surface to mold the core. the scars are beautiful and mold beauty. my knee will heal with time, and the scar will tell the story.

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