Wednesday, April 29, 2009

once again...

... (echoes of john legend) i've found myself mentally+emotionally distracted away from this blog. 10days ago i told you posts were coming and i know we're both not surprised that nothing has been posted. still, i do intend to post soon. company arrives late tonight and through the weekend, so as soon as my role as host/tour guide is over, i'll be posting. please hang in there.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

posts past future

i mentioned several things i told you i'd be posting on in my 1 post i was able to manage in march, but with all that's transpired i don't find myself with the energy to now relay to you the obsolete. i don't want to be a liar though, so i will say something about each topic and get around to other post-promises i still haven't lived up to. the job is a job. the pay is decent and the more hours i can work the better. overtime seems to be the only way i can save any money. carnival season in nola was funnish but like most things in this city revolved around alcohol+fried food consumption (i ignore the fried food whenever possible), though i will say there were more beautiful costumes there than i expected. my sister's visit, immediately after mardi gras was probably a once in our lifetime gathering. we had a time. drink. food. laughs. though i'm sure we'll never lime like that again. my apartment still needs settling. i still feel like i'm squatting and can't wait for the opportunity to move back to dc or elsewhere. past-post-promises and hopefully plenty more sooncome. talk soon.